Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Moore Sucks.

I just watched Farenheit 9/11, nuff said.

He's entitled to his opinion and all, but he doesn't tell the whole truth and that drives me crazy! I don't understand how people can be so stupid as to agree with him.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


I have $19.30 in unpaid library fines.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Sick and Tired....literally.

I have a cold, I threw up all night last night, cool, right? It sucks. I'm so tired and out of it.

Courtney's birthday is today 05/05/05...yay! The big 18...er something. I made her a cape, it's TAIIIIIGHT! Seriously....everyone should wear capes. Why don't we?

I've had chipotle 3 times this week and each time it's more glorious, I'm an addict.

I am supposed to be working on "my masterpiece" for art class....I haven't decided if I want to paint it or draw it....and if I do draw it, charcoal or pencil? ajlwkej;lwjefl! Give me ideas people.

I really don't know why I posted, felt like I had to, I guess. I'm gonna go die now.