The summer, I mean. I can t
alk about how busy I am and how it's sometimes stressful, but all in all, it's been a beauty. I have my plans for next year, God is providing money for that like I asked him to, and I'm having a wonderful time with friends. I don't think there will be many more like it, so with that in mind I've been trying to cherish every moment of it. As I talk to friends who I'll be going to college with, I get more and more excited. It's going to be such a change. Such a good change. There was a period of about a month where I was almost sad about leaving the life I know now, but that has turned to pure excitement for what's to come. I actually feel like I'm growing up now and it's weird. I don't think anyone's ever ready for that, but it happens to most of us. I like it alot.

I'm the king of the world.
I know.