Sunday, January 30, 2005

My family sucks

Sooooooooo. I had a really good day today, morning CREW was pretty good, the boys played worship in big church, I always like that alot. It was nice too, because it was just them and no one else with them, although I do wish EzE would sing...GAH!. I had Chipotle, which always makes me smile, then I came home and took a two hour nap,it was amazing. I woke up JUST in time to put my hair up, and get to church for P&W practice. So we did that, and had CREW...blah blah blah. It was good fun I was soo giddy, I laughed at everything.

Then I came home.....My mom got and email from my great aunt saying that my great uncle had an affair and left her. My family is really screwed up, seriously. Most of them arent Christians, almost all of them. Believe it or not, we are the most sane and together ones out of all of us. I dont get it, why can't people just be normal?!?!?! Geeze!

So yeah, that sucks more than life itself. I'm really mad at my uncle. They are some of the most amazing people ever, So nice and just...overall good people. Despite the whole non christian thing, they are awesome. I totally didnt see it coming. They have been kinda distanced it seems, but I never expected this from him. She doesn't deserve it at all. She's been so amazing to him, and he just takes it for granted, and then pretty much just kicks her in the ovaries and says Take that, sucka! So I'm mad. But....I'm talking to friends right now, and that's what makes the world go 'round, right? I'm feeling better, but still angry.

Anyways, God is good, God is great, let us thank him for beef stew, amen. K, eli attempted to get the last quote, but you were way off young man, so I think you can probably fit a four by four in there somewhere, if that helps. Anyways, the last quote was from "The Christmas Story" I knew no one would get it..mwuahahahahaha!

This one should be REALLY easy..."He didn't fall? Inconceivable! " "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."


Thanks for stopping by, San Diego.

Thursday, January 27, 2005


I'm really happy right now. I had a pretty bad beginning of the week, with school, and just random crap that I didn't want to deal with, but I talked to some people, and that helped.

Last night I had small group, I'm in a new one now, and Kelly P. is our leader, it's so much better, I totally got so much more out of this one meeting, than any of the other ones we had with our previous leader. We talked about so much stuff, 2 girls cried...yeah i know, we're girls, what do you expect? But it was intense, and really cool. I'm really excited for this, and to get to know these girls. They are all really awesome. So anyways, after that, I've just been on a high. It's been nice. I've been pretty productive today, and that always makes me feel good. Last night I talked to some people, there was a big misunderstanding, we laughed.....I was in a giddy mood.

God has really been teaching me a lot lately, and it's cool. yay for that. I'm really excited for the retreat that's coming's gonna be so much fun, A@O is playing, and Sinney will be there! Craig and Rhonda will be there with their new youth group too, what more can you ask for? I'll tell you, NOTHING!

I best get back to school stuff. Eli got the last quote, AGAIN! It was Office Space. You are on a roll, my friend.

Try this's a toughy. "In the heat of battle, my father wove a tapestry of obsenity that as far as we know, is still hanging in space over Lake Michigan. "

Thanks for stopping by, San Diego.

Sunday, January 23, 2005


Oh yeah, I forgot to say that Ez E got the last movie trivia, 101 Dalmations. For your prize, I will make you a chicken hat for your birthday, congratulations, and live a long and prosperous life.

(excuse the EXTREMELY violent language, and drug usage in this next quote)
"Look, I already told you! I deal with the goddamn customers so the engineers don't have to! I have people skills! I am good at dealing with people! Can't you understand that? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE! "

Well, go on, what's it from?

Hecka Tired

Ahhh, I haven't posted in a while.....Where do I start? Ok, so the last post was on tuesday......umm..

Wednesday....I dont remember what I did until Ez E called me and asked me if I would go to Smoky's BOTB with him and Sinney. I went there, and Meg and Lys and their clan was there...we watched all these lame bands. There was a Scre(a)mo one, a Christian rock, a white rapper, and some other random ones.....*shudders* it was awful. But Eli saw Dwight, and talked to him, and that's all that matters. " I dont wanna wait....!" Yeah, arby's at target, right? mmmmm

Thursday, I dont even KNOW what I did, some friday school hw....prolly nothing cool...oh I finished Megans scarf, and made Alyssa's....yes!

Friday, school, in p.e. we are working on the physical fitness test thing....I dominated....and by that I mean I'm average, but apparently I'm really flexible, more than most.....SCORE! It was those two months of gymnastics in 2nd grade, I bet. friday night I babysat 2 sets of twins, it was insane, one set is like......7 months old, maybe?? and the others are 3, I think. It was insane! I like a good challenge, though.

Saturday, I went up with Phil and Sinney and Eli to Fort Collins for their show..we got there at like.....3? I think..and set up stuff, and I talked to Craig for a while, and we hung out "HOOPS!" and...went to eat..ughh. We found out how lame Sinney's drink preferences are ( I love you, my sweet chinchilla, that doesnt mean I have to like your drinks) and then we went back, they played their show, blah blah blah, same ol' same ol'. Then we went to Ihop with a bunch of old CREW people, it was so fun, like a big reunion. Phil and Eli and steak slept at Craig and Rhonda's and us girls stayed with Laura and Lauren, it was a good time. I totally woke up at like 4:45am though, I thought it was way later, like 8, and I was mad because no one woke me up, then I looked at my clock and it was definitely way too early for getting up kind.

Soooooooooooooooo we all woke up this morning, got ready, went to C & R's church....blah blah blah. Some of us went to Beau Jos........Phil and Danae cussed at each other, girls are the root of all went home after that. Eli and I pretty much just slept, and phil said weird things in the voice of joe's dad, but we didnt have the energy to laugh. I'm laughing now though, so that counts, right? So I went home, "Lady in the brown stuff, yeah!" and..........tried to take a nap, didn't happen, so I did stuff, went to crew, came home, i'm talking to people now, whatever....I'm tired and I'm going to bed! First, I have to put away the dishes.

This week is gonna be LAME..................................ahhhh!

Thanks for stopping by, San Diego.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Pain is the fuel of passion

Today, same ol' same ol'. School, knitted (I'm SOO close to being done with your scarf, megsie!) watched t.v. got online, whatever.

Last night I was reading The Purpose Driven Life. I know I know, it's one of those books that you see all the old people in church carrying around, but seriously, why aren't more young people reading it? I've had it for a while, and read it off and on, I'm only on the 12th day....yeah, pathetic. But recently I've been reading it every night. Last night, something totally stuck out to me, and I thought it was cool, so I'll share with you.

"You are as close to God as you choose to be." It's so true, I think so many times, we get frustrated, because God puts us through hard times, or we are just unmotivated in that way. So we blame him, we say, you aren't allowing me to be near you, you aren't giving me that fire. It's not God, it's our dumb human nature.

"I must choose to be honest with God." it talks about how God encourages us to be honest about our feelings, our doubts, our insecurities. I know personally, I tend to tell God, I completely trust in you, when in fact, I do have doubts, it's human nature, again (geeze...human nature SUCKS!) but seriously, who are you kidding? This is GOD we are talking about. He knows what you feel, and when you tell him it's all good, you are just lying on top of all that. God can handle it.

"I must choose to obey God in faith." It mentions how every time you trust God blindly, it deepens your relationship with him. It's so scary, but when you see how he has worked through that situation, you will be that much closer to him.

One of the things that stood out to me the most, is when it talks about how we are often challenged to do "great things" for God. Which is totally ridiculous, I mean yeah, go to Africa and help the starving children, I'm not saying that's bad. You will be recognized for what you do, but what about when you are alone on a street corner, on your way home from the drive through at Wendy's and you see a homeless guy. Are you more apt to give him some of your food, when you are a lone and no one is there, or to do it when there is a crowd, or do something else, where people will notice what you have done. I struggle with this a lot. Doing things to meet my own selfish needs. To be praised, I want people to know what I have done. In the end it doesn't matter. In the end, it's what God saw you do, and your intentions in doing so...He knows when you do something small out of true generosity. We should be trying to please him more than anyone else, so why are we like this? I don't know, perhaps we like the instant gratification that human praise brings, maybe it's something else, all I know is that we suck at life a lot of the times.

My favorite part of this chapter talks about how pain is the fuel of passion. This hit me hard. It says that "Your problems are not punishment; they are wake up calls from a loving God. God is not mad at you; he's mad about you, and he will do whatever it takes to bring you back into fellowship with him." I think we (I) tend to think that God is punishing me for being such a dumb dumb sometimes, then it makes me mad at him for making me go through it in the first place. If we think about our hard times as a wake up call, I'm sure our lives would be so much easier. Not perfect, but it definitely puts a new perspective on it. God tries so hard to get us to love him, and be close to him, we always find a way to push ourselves away, and blame him for what's happening. Why do we do that?

Anyways, sorry this was so long, that chapter just hit home with me, and gave me some insight on certain situations. You should definitely read this book, it's pretty much really good. I dont even like reading! But yeah.....

No one guessed my quote from yesterday! It's Top Gun.....I love that movie.

Here's a new one (in a whiney voice) "My paws are cold, my tail is cold" (I'm not sure if this is the EXACT quote, but if yuo knew it at all, you'd know...yeah, i like to make sense alot.)

Thanks for stopping by, San Diego.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Day o' Freedom

So today is Martin Luther Queen Junior Day, right guys? I got up and babysat, then came home, fell asleep watching some move from the 80's with Julia Roberts, or something. then I did some math, and yeah, did nothing for the rest of the day until 7:45 when I saw the movie Alexander with my sister and my dad. DONT SEE IT! Gay scenes, curled beards, and to top it off, Alexander's gentleman lover was REALLY HOTT! He had pretty eyes, I'm gonna be straightforward with you. I was thoroughly attracted to him........Anyways, the movie SUCKED! Alexander is gay (literally) and stupid and prideful, and the only cool part of the move (his pretty homo friend) died! AND it was insanely long! 3 hours. I guess it's not THAT long, but for a really lame movie, it's an eternity.

So I came home, thank God, and now I'm talking to some people.........that is the extent of my day. I'm really tired.....

My sweet, dear, little chinchilla got the last movie quote right. It was Grease, indeed. I'm pretty sure she wont know this one though, soo someone else should know it...go on! KNOW IT!
"Jester's dead. Yee Haw! "

Thanks for stopping by, San Diego.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

I'm finally home

I've been gone ALL day, cept for when I came home to change at 4:30....
I got up at 8 and got ready for church, went to church, then went to CREW......after that, I went to chipotle with some people, and then went to Rochelles for a bit.

Leah and Danae and I went to the mall to exchange stuff, then we came back to Rochelles...and watched a movie. I had to be at the church at 4:30 to practice b/c I had to sing tonight. Sooo after the movie, I go home for like, 2 seconds, and changed, and then go to the church, and I'm late of course, but who cares, really? We practiced, and it was actually sorta cool, b/c we had a sax......weird, but I liked it. Then we had CREW, it was different, we had stations where people could write, or journal, or do whatever, during worship, if they felt that was how they wanted to worship God, nobody really did anything though, cept for stay up front and sing.

Afterwards, we all painted, and made necklaces and bracelets and what not, it was weird, I liked it. A bunch of guys played X-box, go figure. I would have played, but everyone always yells at me because I just spin around in circles and shoot my gun off.......whatever. Sooooo after CREW, we planned to go to VI, so I went with Dusty, and we waited for a good 10 minutes and finally got a hold of Jon...where are they? Old Chicago..yeah, and there is no room for us, go figure. So then I finally got a hold of Megan, and she and Alyssa and their friend went to Baskin Robbins, so we went there with them, and ate yummy stuff, and I'm home.

Today was cool at church, I actually got a lot out of the lessons. I made a point not to sit by someone who would distract me, and I totally just listened, and made notes. It was cool, I haven't done that in a long time, I'm always distracted by other people, or just not in the mood to be "churchy" and I fake it. This actually made it go by a lot faster, too. SCORE! so yeah, it's been a good day, I'm definitely tired though..I've got stuff to yeah.

I was thirsty, so I went downstairs and got some water.....and put it on the desk, and now my cat's are drinking it...dang it!

and there it goes, they just knocked it off the desk. At least it wasn't grape juice? that stains, right guys?

Since no one guessed the first movie quote, I'll tell ya, it was Ever After...suckas!

Try this one...."She looks too pure to be pink"

Thanks for stopping by, San Diego.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

I'll miss you, Schnookie.

I was just talking to Meggie, my sweet little Schnookums, and we were talking about college and stuff......Holy crap, that is gonna suck. When this set of seniors graduates and they all move away to college....Megan, Phil, Courtney......I dont know what I'm gonna do. It'll be like 8th grade all over again, not exactly, but, close enough. I think I've been in denial about this whole thing. I just realized how much time I need to spend with all these people before they leave. High school is sooo long, but seems soo short at times. AHH! Pretty much, what I'm saying, is you should all stay in-state....because, well, I dus like you, ok?

Thanks for stopping by, San Diego.

Bad posture

So today, I woke up, cleaned my room a bit more, vacuumed, made some pretty bead things.....watched The Score, and then had lunch. It was yummy. Um....then I got online for a bit, and knitted, and got online. Then I felt like I needed to make something, so I sewed a purse right up, it's quite cute if I do say so myself. annnnnd, yeah, Courtney made an apple pie, so I ate some of that...mmmmm good. and now I'm here.

I've been really happy lately, I like it. I don't even know what it is. Finding new sides of old friends, making new friends, just hanging out a lot. Good times. I like life right now. I'm excited for the retreat, to just be able to hang out with friends nonstop for a few days. I love that, most of my favorite memories are on retreats.

I think I have bad posture.....or something, My back hurts. I should stop sucking so much. Well, that was another boring blog entry for you to read...YES!!!!!!!sssssssssssssssssssss

"Forgive me, Your Highness, I didn't see you"....................."a servant girl, with quite a good arm, actually" Name the movie that those 2 quotes came from.....

Thanks for stopping by, San Diego.

Friday, January 14, 2005

ummmm yeah

Sooo today, has been a tiring day. I think it's just because I haven't gone to sleep any earlier than 1:30 for the past week.....I dunno. I dont even know what I do until then....I'm usually on here, talking to Ez E about art, or Sydney about how cool we are, or Phil about random stuff........and then I go into my room and remember all this crap I wanna do before bed...and then I read my bible, and then um...go to sleep. I should start my bedtime routine earlier.

Today I had Friday school. First period, Gym. We played basketball, actually we just worked on shooting and played knockout n stuff. I seriously, don't know how to play basketball (i mean, i"m really good guys) but seriously, no. So I go up there, and look up towards heaven at the gazillion ft. tall hoop, and I tell my teacher, I'm never gonna make it in. And guess what I do? make it in, 5 times in a i dont know. I was brilliant today.........I cant shoot under pressure though, I gotta take my time.

Mkay, so then I have voice class...blah blah blah, same ol same ol, I know everything she's telling us..whatever.


Then art, I just showed him the posters I made, and we talked about barbies and sang phantom of the opera.

Spanish, I drew while I was supposed to be saying words like "tiene" or "cuarta" I dont even know what spanish is....?? I have learned nothing in that class all year. So I just drew during it....I was going to draw a pot of flowers, so I drew the pot, and then I looked at my hand, and it looked really cool, so I drew a plant growing out of the pot with vines wrapping around it, I think it's cool. Everyone else thinks I'm disturbed, whatever fools.

I came home, and knitted a bit...SHUTUP I'M AWESOME! and..took a nap for like 20 minutes...and then had dinner.

My sister and I were so freaking giddy at dinner, I laughed at everything, and it was a deep belly laugh that makes you feel like you just did a gazillion sit ups. Then we sat under the table..I dunno, it was funny at the time. Then my parents went to a movie, and Court and I had to clean up crap, so what do you have to do to clean up? dress up like princesses! So i put on my favorite pink dress...when you spin around really fast and then sit down, it makes a huge's old time-y, i love it. We turned on The Phantom soundtrack really loud, and cleaned.

After that, Court and I met Rochelle at VI......and we ate stuff. Then we went to Chelle's work and played pool, and Tekkin.....then I came day in a nutshell.

I'm gonna go read my bible and go to bed. I haven't been reading my bible very often, I finally just started doing it every night again....ahh I'm bad. It sucks to be like here I come.

Thanks for stopping by, San Diego.

Thursday, January 13, 2005


We just got the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack in the mail, and well I'm excited enough to devote a whole blog entry to it, sooooo what does that tell you?

Good times

So last night, I talked to Ez E about art for quite a while, it was ever so much fun. None of my other friends like to talk about that. So score, another point for him! (basketball, right guys?) He pretty much made me be in love with Salvador Dali......o my gosh, seriously guys. I was always kinda intrigued by his work, but never really looked at it so closely. He's freaking amazing, very inspiring indeed. AHH!

I'm so excited to get done with highschool. I'll be able to go to college and study just art and/or music...instead of all this other junk that pisses me off so much. AHH! I get more excited as I think about it. Actually having to spend all of your time on something you love...woohoo!

Today, school, actually I didnt do very much important school, I worked on the posters I was supposed to design for Friday school, and did a bit of math, but not a lot else.....hmm. I don't even know what to write, this day was so blah.

I found this freaking amazing hat that I decided only Ez E would dare wear. So someday I'll make it for you dad, someday *looks out window, longingly* I'll show you a picture later......I'm in love with it.

I decided that Syd is one of my favorite people, we each get a million points? for our lives? I dunno, but Sydney, if you are out there, wherever you are, you better come on the retreat. Or, like I mentioned to Ez E. "all my hopes and dreams would be thrown right into the dumpster, with all the fish, and old couches, filled with loose pocket change" It makes you want to cry a bit, no?

Some lady is at my house now....and she has a really annoying voice, I don't dare go downstairs and see who it is.

Well I'm off to knit for my favorite Schnookums.......working on the other half of her Christmas present..SHUTUP!

Thanks for stopping by, San Diego.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

White days

So it snowed last night, or this morning, or something, I don't even know. I'm getting tired of snow! It's so white, and bright, and cold and damp, untill it gets dirty then it's just dirty and cold and damp slushy grossness. plus, my hands are always cold in the snowy winter.

Yesterday didn't change much, I got online last night and talked to people for a while, about dumb issues and what not, and how cool certain people are.

I got up today, and was going to babysit at 9, then the lady called at like 8:30 and cancelled, thank God, their kids are boring and they don't pay crap. So I did some school, and I looked online at colleges I might want to consider......maybe an art institute? Or DU, for music and art?From what I've heard, they are well covered in those categories (of course my mom told me that, and it's been 20 years since she was there, so things may have changed). Then did mor school, until my mom left, then I watched a movie with my sis, while I worked on my art project for Friday school. And um.....yeah then we got some food for dinner, and now I'm here. Boring day, again. What can I say?

If anything cool happens, maybe I'll post tonight, but don't count on it.

Thanks for stopping by, San Diego.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

High D, heck yes.

Soooo today was ok, got up, did some school, went to tutoring, that only took half an hour, because apparently, I'm brilliant. Then I came home, and was talking about The Phantom with my mom, and she was telling me how she sang some of those songs when she was a singing waitress, so we came home and looked for her sheet music. I found it, then, just for fun, we played through it, and I made her sing it, it was ever so pretty.

I found out that I can hit a high d, not completely perfect and strong, but I'll work on that, with all those high d's I sing all the time, y'know guys. That's insane though, soprano voices kind of sound like screaming when they get up that high. Sooo yeah, did some school, ate lunch, then I babysat. and now I'm home, writing in my blog. I don't know what I'm doing tonight, prolly just gonna stay home and sing d's all night....yeah, cool, right guys?

Well I'm off to study and what not.

Thanks for stopping by, San Diego.

Monday, January 10, 2005


Soo....I did some more math, and watched the Critics Choice Awards.
The girl who plays Christine in The Phantom of the Opera, was only 16 when she was cast, that's my age! She's amazing. I pretty much like her a whole lot. She won Best Young Actress or something.....yesssssssssss.

I'm wasting my time on here instead of finishing hw....I really dont wanna. Awww hell, might as well just get it over with.

Thanks for stopping by, San Diego.

Unproductive Day

I had a lot of fun in Fort Collins yesterday, we just hung out a lot and got to see friends, it was nice. It was good to be away from home for a day. We ate gross food and played name that movie.......yeah, good times.

I haven't done anything I'm supposed to today, this sucks. My mom woke me up around 7:30, adne when she left for work at 7:45, I went back to bed. I slept til 9:45.......then I got online for a bit, ate some cereal, did a little bit of online again, watched t.v. Then my sister woke up, we went to Taco Bell, and then because of the name that movie thing last night, I really wanted to watch The Lion King, so I did. My mom came home and ate with us and watched the movie.

I got online for a while, talked on the phone a bit, did some art history, checked email.....blah blah blah...then I did more math. Then I played Tekkin with Court, did some more math. Then I got a bad case of nostalgia, and popped out the videos of my voice class performances/musicals/plays, from the last few years..........that took a while.

Out of all the random crap that I've done today, and the many times I have sat down to do my math, you'd think I'd have a lot done, but I only got 2 sections done.....UGH! I need to get 5 more done before tutoring at 10:30 tomorrow morning, yeah, I'm screwed. I could just sit down and do it all, but I really dont wanna.

I spend too much time on the computer with schoolwork, and just random stuff. Lately, when I do something wrong, like....just now, I started to peel off my henna tattoo (lol...yeah) and it's only been on for an hour....needs to stay on for 6 hours, but when I did that, in my mind i said, "Edit, undo" Oh my gosh, that is so lame. God save me, and the queen while you're at it.

I really need to go get my junk done. Maybe I'll make a list, I like to cross things off.......back to the books. Thanks for stopping by, San Diego.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

My name is Natalie, and I'm addicted to hair dye, know who you are.....convinced me to dye my hair again last tuesday...I hadn't dyed it in *counts on fingers* 9 months!!! and then, I go from blonde to dark brown...just like that. Whammy! Ughh, gross, I hate that saying. Anyways, a baby could have been conceived and born in the time that I hadnt dyed my hair, that's quite an achievement. But I was weak. Once again, I caved into peer pressure, I GOTTA stop doin that! So, Tuesday, me and some other kids had a hair dye-ing party. That made my sisters and another friend and her husband want to dye their hair, so guess what I did today? Dyed 4 other peoples hair....I'm a bad influence. I used some of the leftover red, and put some chunkies in mine, I look punk-ish. I dont want to. I've never done anything so un natural looking, it's totally unlike me. Oh well. Gosh, I'm writing a lot about my hair. You can tell someone is lame when they can take up a whole blog entry on how they dyed their hair. GAH!

Tomorrow, going to some friends' show........that'll be fun, haven't heard them play in a while. I'm the merch girl, people actually come up to me now at their shows, and call me the merch girl. At least I have some kind of status in this evil world.

I literally, did nothing today, until I went to my friends and dyed everyone and their mom's hair. I just sat around, got online for a while, knitted (heck yes, I knit) and watched part of The Elephant Man ( I feel bad for him). What is it lately with me and movies with people that have deformities in them. First, Phantom, now this......interesting.

I'm off to bed, I have nothing to write about in this thing.

Thanks for stopping by, San Diego.

A bad taste in my mouth

I just woke up at like, 10, I never sleep in that late, it feels weird, I like it. I still haven't brushed my teeth and I have that nasty stale taste in my mouth. I saw White Noise last night, I was already doubting it, but it seemed like both of my parents were pmsing last night, so I just wanted to get out of the house. Yeah, my suspicions were right, it was dumb. It could have been so much better too, which makes me mad. I hate it when that happens. People screamed alot, and I laughed a lot. I mean, pigeons, right guys? It was kind of intriguing, but...not enough to be amazing. So, to sum it all up, it pretty much sucked. Well, I'm off to brush my teeth. Thanks for stopping by, San Diego.

Friday, January 07, 2005

12 year old politicians

I just thought of something dumb that happened today. Ok, so I'm homeschooled, and I go on fridays to a "program" dubbed, what else? Friday school. Anyways, you go on Fridays and take classes that you can't take at home, or that you're parents are too stupid to teach you at home, or just to get out of the house for at least one whole day. Anyways, I'm sitting in my Spanish class (do I know any spanish? no. this class sucks) And keep in mind my WHOLE class is in middle school!!!! I'm the only high schooler in there, the other oldest kid in there is like, 13....ughhh. Anyways, there are these 2 twins from Texas, they are so dumb.

They think they pretty much know everything. We got into a debate, during Spanish class about politics, for a good 45 minutes. Let me rehash what these dumb girls said. Twin # 1 Will be this periwinkle blueish ( I dont even know if this is periwinkle??) twin # 2 will be red and i'll just be black
I dont even know how we got on the topic of politics, but whatever..

"Oh my god, I HATE Bush!"
"Because he's stupid"
"Oh, great, and why else?"
"He has bad grammar!"
"Are you serious? That's why you hate him? First of all, his grammar isn't that bad, second of all, WHO CARES?!?! If our president's worst trait is that he has bad grammar, I'd say we're doing pretty good"
"Well, if you are going to be in politics, you need to have good grammar so you can give speeches and stuff"
"Is that the ONLY reason you hate him? Give me one GOOD reason you dont like him"
"Oh don't even get me started on that!"
"Ok, I don't really mind that he has bad grammar, but what REALLY makes me mad, is that Sandra Bullock gave a million dollars to the Tsunami Victims, and Bush only gave ten thousand, I mean, he's the president, he has a lot of money"
"Holy Crap, are you kidding me? a) Sandra Bullock is an actress, I'm sure she has lot's more money than Bush, b) The President really doesn't get paid a whole lot, yeah he gets to live in the White house and blah blah blah, but they dont pay him jack, not a lot compared to what you might think"
"Ok, so the only reason you hate Bush is because he has bad grammar and only gave ten thousand dollars to Tsunami? You gotta give me something better than this"
"Well, what about Iraq? And all of those innocent people dying"
"Have you actually talked to someone from Iraq? a majority of them are happy that we are over there, because it is helping them, yeah, some people are dying, but, war is inevitable, so is death, get over it, pray for them or something"
"Whatever, all I know is they didnt do anything, and he just goes over there and starts to kill people, I wish they would let kid's vote"
"Seriously? Are you kidding me? What good would that do?"
"Well, we should have a say in the person who runs our country, I mean, it affects our schools"
"Ok, and how old do you think you should have to be to vote?"
"well, prolly around 13"
"Ha, that would do a lot of good, most 13 yr olds dont even know who Bush is, yet alone, why they should vote for or against him. They aren't responsible enough to make a decision like that"
"well, I've written papers on politics and stuff, so I know what I'm talking about"
"Well, If a thirteen year old said they had been in a sex ed and parenting class, would you think they'd be responsible enough to go off and have sex and get married, and have kids and what not?"
"and in the same way, 13 year olds shouldn't have the right to make huge decisions for their country, because they arent responsible enough"
"Whatever, I hate Bush, that's all I know"
"Are those seriously the only reasons you have for hating Bush? tell me why else"
"Oh, don't even get me started on that" (every time after this, that I would ask her that question, she would say the same thing, which we all know is code for"I dont know anything about politics, I just heard my parents talk about them at the dinner table. Those two reasons are the only ones I had, and they just went to crap. "

At this point, our teacher interrupted and made us do Spanish, I left out a bunch of stuff, and there were lots of people talking at once, so yeah, but this is the gist of it.....Man, they piss me off.

I really dont know why I stooped that low to argue with a 12 year old about politics, but seriously, she made me mad, she had no clue what she was talking about. Plus, I didn't want to do Spanish..... Thanks for stopping by, San Diego.

Am I a cool kid now?

Mmmmkay. Well, I have a few friends who have blogs, and what do these people do? Pressure me to get one. Do I cave in? Yes. Peer pressure guys, come on. Am I a cool kid now? I don't even know if I will write in this very often. We'll see, I guess. Only time can tell. Holy Poop, Batman!

So, yesterday, at approximately 10:05, I saw The Phantom of the Opera, and it pretty much, was amazing. Seriously, I loved it, a lot. Christine is really pretty, I like her hair, and her clothes, although sometimes they are a bit scandalous. Oh yeah, and she can sing. I love that in a woman...I mean.....I'M STRAIGHT! That made me want to be in a musical again, or just sing a lot. I need that soundtrack. That would be so freakin fun to be in the Opera, my mom almost was, but guess what happened? My sister, that's right, way to go, idiot. No singing for you, mom. Anyways, the Phantom is intriguingly scary. In a way, I hate him for ruining everything, I mean, did you see that chandalier? But at the same time, I feel bad for him, and have compassion. But I think he just kind of pisses me off more than anything, he's really confusing. I hate that Christine lets him control her...I just want to drop kick her, but she's really pretty, so it's ok, I guess.

Tonight I'm gonna go see The White Noise (I think that's what it's called) with some people....I'm kind of skeptical about this one, we'll see. sooooooooooo....Thanks for dropping by, San Diego.