Friday, January 07, 2005

12 year old politicians

I just thought of something dumb that happened today. Ok, so I'm homeschooled, and I go on fridays to a "program" dubbed, what else? Friday school. Anyways, you go on Fridays and take classes that you can't take at home, or that you're parents are too stupid to teach you at home, or just to get out of the house for at least one whole day. Anyways, I'm sitting in my Spanish class (do I know any spanish? no. this class sucks) And keep in mind my WHOLE class is in middle school!!!! I'm the only high schooler in there, the other oldest kid in there is like, 13....ughhh. Anyways, there are these 2 twins from Texas, they are so dumb.

They think they pretty much know everything. We got into a debate, during Spanish class about politics, for a good 45 minutes. Let me rehash what these dumb girls said. Twin # 1 Will be this periwinkle blueish ( I dont even know if this is periwinkle??) twin # 2 will be red and i'll just be black
I dont even know how we got on the topic of politics, but whatever..

"Oh my god, I HATE Bush!"
"Because he's stupid"
"Oh, great, and why else?"
"He has bad grammar!"
"Are you serious? That's why you hate him? First of all, his grammar isn't that bad, second of all, WHO CARES?!?! If our president's worst trait is that he has bad grammar, I'd say we're doing pretty good"
"Well, if you are going to be in politics, you need to have good grammar so you can give speeches and stuff"
"Is that the ONLY reason you hate him? Give me one GOOD reason you dont like him"
"Oh don't even get me started on that!"
"Ok, I don't really mind that he has bad grammar, but what REALLY makes me mad, is that Sandra Bullock gave a million dollars to the Tsunami Victims, and Bush only gave ten thousand, I mean, he's the president, he has a lot of money"
"Holy Crap, are you kidding me? a) Sandra Bullock is an actress, I'm sure she has lot's more money than Bush, b) The President really doesn't get paid a whole lot, yeah he gets to live in the White house and blah blah blah, but they dont pay him jack, not a lot compared to what you might think"
"Ok, so the only reason you hate Bush is because he has bad grammar and only gave ten thousand dollars to Tsunami? You gotta give me something better than this"
"Well, what about Iraq? And all of those innocent people dying"
"Have you actually talked to someone from Iraq? a majority of them are happy that we are over there, because it is helping them, yeah, some people are dying, but, war is inevitable, so is death, get over it, pray for them or something"
"Whatever, all I know is they didnt do anything, and he just goes over there and starts to kill people, I wish they would let kid's vote"
"Seriously? Are you kidding me? What good would that do?"
"Well, we should have a say in the person who runs our country, I mean, it affects our schools"
"Ok, and how old do you think you should have to be to vote?"
"well, prolly around 13"
"Ha, that would do a lot of good, most 13 yr olds dont even know who Bush is, yet alone, why they should vote for or against him. They aren't responsible enough to make a decision like that"
"well, I've written papers on politics and stuff, so I know what I'm talking about"
"Well, If a thirteen year old said they had been in a sex ed and parenting class, would you think they'd be responsible enough to go off and have sex and get married, and have kids and what not?"
"and in the same way, 13 year olds shouldn't have the right to make huge decisions for their country, because they arent responsible enough"
"Whatever, I hate Bush, that's all I know"
"Are those seriously the only reasons you have for hating Bush? tell me why else"
"Oh, don't even get me started on that" (every time after this, that I would ask her that question, she would say the same thing, which we all know is code for"I dont know anything about politics, I just heard my parents talk about them at the dinner table. Those two reasons are the only ones I had, and they just went to crap. "

At this point, our teacher interrupted and made us do Spanish, I left out a bunch of stuff, and there were lots of people talking at once, so yeah, but this is the gist of it.....Man, they piss me off.

I really dont know why I stooped that low to argue with a 12 year old about politics, but seriously, she made me mad, she had no clue what she was talking about. Plus, I didn't want to do Spanish..... Thanks for stopping by, San Diego.


MsStone said...

Yeah, they pretty much don't know what they are talking about......I am in hate with them. The weird thing is that, they "hate" Kerry too......who's left kids? You wanna try it? Aparrently they know everything, so they might as well run the country. Good grammar and all.

V said...

lol So typical of ignorant middle schoolers. Too bad it doesn't get any better in high school. They use the exact same "arguments", while the History teachers spin everything to fit their own Marxist viewpoints.