Wednesday, May 18, 2005


I have $19.30 in unpaid library fines.


sydney said...

hahaha. that is funny.
we should be friends.
i miss you so so much

MsStone said...

Kelly: I will do no such thing

Sinney Bear: I concur, we should remedy that. I wore my sweater today of which you have a matching (kinda) one, and found out that Lys has a yellow one. Good Lord, we are awesome.

Anonymous said...

Tell those library people just where they can stick it. You decide. Personally, I've been a big fan of the ear.

MsStone said...

Maybe I could tell them to "bwow it out youw eaw" ? (that's kinda hard to spell, but I think you know where I'm going with this)

Anonymous said...

More like, "hey cwapface, why don't you bwow it out your eaw!"

MsStone said...

Yeah yeah yeah! Just like that.

Anonymous said...

I just read that number for real. That's a lot of fine. I commend you! Incredible that you would have such an intense disregard for rules and late fees and the like. Keep it up.