Friday, June 02, 2006

Hey, Jenny...Just stop it, okay?

Well, the reason that I haven't posted anything in quite some time is because I have nothing to post about.

Nothing that would interest you, anyway.

I don't have time to think about important stuff these days, too busy worrying about trivial things that won't matter after breakfast tomorrow morning. Too busy in general. I'm okay with it.

Well, here's a quote for ya. To all those who are easily offended by foul language: I'm sorry. But seriously, this is somewhat of a funny quote.

"We're not going to some white collar resort prison. No, no, no! We're going to Federal POUND ME IN THE ASS prison!"


jenny b. said...

C'mon...At least do something from Aladdin. This is cheap.

MsStone said...

techno, that'd be WAY too easy.

Anonymous said...

Office Space.

MsStone said...
