Last night I went on my annual First Snow of the Season walk.
A little depressing, as most of the snow had melted by the time it was dark and quiet enough to take it. It's the principle of the thing. I had to.
It was weird doing it in a different area than I am used to. Since I started this tradition I have always lived at home and done it around that neighborhood.
This time I'm at college in a different setting. There is a different feel.
Things are changing. Lives. Seasons. Most of it's good. Some is questionable. Some is hard.
I still enjoy the weather that permits Madeline coats and Italian scarves. It's beautiful.
Calvin and Hobbes
I kind of wish you lived in my I could do that too. There's drug deals around my neighborhood, at all hours of the day and night. Dangerous business.
You write very well.
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