Friday, July 29, 2005

back by popular demand

Only because I got a very threatening email....
"I'm really sick of clicking on your link every day and seeing "emo-man." Please, snooky. Do something with this life of yours. end. " I back.

I don't even like blogging. At all. It's stupid for me to just recount what I did today, and I don't have writing ability, not worth mentioning or posting for that matter.

Let's go over some random thoughts I'm having.

I really hate it when you are trying to turn (while driving, of course) and so you are waiting for some joker to pass by you on that street that you are waiting to turn onto....and then they end up turning into the same place you are, but don't use their blinker......

I really love eisley and coldplay.

My butt hurts.

I have laundry and packing to do tomorrow.....and I don't wanna.

I'm so freakin' excited for Mexico. The kids are gonna be so much fun, and I will find goods at the market.

I'm listening to kevin's radio broadcast right's pretty silly, I've laughed more than once.

I'm a bit chilly from that 100% natural "Caribbean Mix" popsicle that I just ate, but it was good.