Saturday, October 21, 2006

X marks the spot.

Because of the extreme amount of x's in a recent comment, I've decided to do a short post.

I don't really know what you want me to say.

I just graduated from cosmetology school two days ago, I will soon be a licensed now I have time to work on all of those dreaded college applications that I have been putting off.

Im really scared of it all. Not college in itself, just the applications and scholarships and all of that. I'm....scared of rejection? Quite. I'm even more afraid that I'm going to get accepted to my first choice only to find out that I don't qualify for enough scholarship money to go there.

I am really stressing out about all of this and my stress has caused me to procrastinate even further....attempting to avoid the situation altogether. It's really not working at all.

I considered getting a job at a salon right away, but I think I am going to take some time off and focus on my regular classes and applications and maybe even have some time to relax. What a wonderful idea. I'll probably look into all of that come the beginning of next year. That seems reasonable.

All of this to say, if you would like to do my college/scholarship applications and essays or my psychology paper or presentation for me, by all means...have at it. I'd be more than happy to pass it on to you.